Matter motorcycles has recently introduced their first product in India, the Aera 5000, which is available in four variants and priced from Rs 1.44 lakh (ex-showroom). The Gujarat-based manufacturer is now offering the motorcycle in five different color options. However, as of now, the brand is only selling the Aera 5000 and Aera 5000+, which are available in two color schemes. The range will include a red color option with white highlights, a grey color option with neon yellow highlights, a matte black with gloss black color scheme, and a blue paint scheme with black graphics. The most striking of the lot is the white paint scheme with red graphics and red wheels, which gives the Matter Aera a sporty appeal.Matter AERA variants are called AERA 4000, AERA 5000, AERA 5000+, 6000+ with the national uniform pre-register price for AERA 5000 at INR 1,43,999, and AERA 5000+ at INR 1,53,999. Matter AERA comes in two battery capacities of 5kWh and 6kWh
The Matter Aera comes with a 10kW motor with a 5kWh battery pack, and the battery comes with liquid cooling to regulate temperature. The electric motorcycle also comes with a four-speed gearbox as standard and can offer a range of approximately 120-150km depending on the variant. In terms of features, the Matter Aera has a TFT instrument cluster with smartphone connectivity, navigation, and alerts displayed on the screen. Additionally, the package includes keyless ignition. As for its hardware, the Matter Aera rides on 17-inch alloys suspended from telescopic forks and gas-charged shocks at the rear. The motorcycle is equipped with single disc brakes at both ends with a dual-channel ABS.
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